Thursday, July 13, 2023



Certainly! Here are a few more phrases related to sleeping and waking up early, along with their meanings and explanations:

 I am early riser and early sleeper.

Meaning:  you have a habit of waking up early in the morning and going to bed early in the evening or night.)

 I am late rise and late sleeper.

Meaning:  you have a habit of waking up late in the morning and going to bed late at night)

 I wake up at the crack of dawn.

Meaning: I wake up very early in the morning, typically around sunrise.

 I'm an early bird.

Meaning: I am someone who naturally wakes up early in the morning.

 I hit the sack early.

Meaning: I go to bed early in the evening or night.

 I'm in bed by 9 p.m.

Meaning: I go to bed around 9 p.m., indicating an early bedtime.

 I prefer to rise with the sun.

Meaning: I like to wake up early in the morning when the sun rises.

 I'm a morning person.

Meaning: I am most active and productive during the early hours of the day.

 I get my beauty sleep.

Meaning: I prioritize getting enough sleep to ensure I look refreshed and rejuvenated.

 I'm tucked in by 10 p.m.

Meaning: I am settled in bed and ready to sleep by 10 p.m.

 I'm up at the crack of dawn.

Meaning: I wake up very early in the morning, often at sunrise or even before.

 I follow a strict sleep schedule.

Meaning: I adhere to a fixed routine for sleeping and waking up at consistent times.


These phrases express a preference for waking up early and going to bed early, emphasizing a routine of maintaining good sleep habits and starting the day early.

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