Tuesday, August 29, 2023



Challenge 1-Tenses

Simple past tense


Challenge 2-Idoms
Beat around the bush. 
Hit the sack.

Challenge 3- Phrasal Verb
Get Ready
Warm up 

Challenge 4- Verb

Sentences: -

Challenge 1-Tenses

Challenge 2-Idoms
Beat around the bush. - Avoid saying something – Speak Nonsense, avoiding a question because you don’t want to express your opinion or answer truthfully.


  • Instead of giving a clear answer, he kept beating around the bush, making it difficult to understand his true intentions.
  • The politician was skilled at beating around the bush, never giving a straight answer to the journalist's questions.
  • When I asked my friend about the missing money, she started beating around the bush and changing the topic.
  • In a business meeting, it's essential to be concise and not beat around the bush when discussing important matters.
  • The teacher didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so she beat around the bush when giving feedback on the student's performance.

  • सीधा जवाब नहीं देने के बजाय, उसने मुद्दे से टल जाने का प्रयास किया, जिससे उसके असली इरादे समझना कठिन हो गया।
  • यह सियासी नेता बातों की गोलियों से घुमाने में माहिर थे, पत्रकार के सवालों का सीधा उत्तर नहीं देते थे।
  •  मैंने दोस्त से गायब पैसे के बारे में पूछा तो वह मुद्दे से टल जाने और विषय बदल देने लगी।
  • व्यापारिक मीटिंग में महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दों की चर्चा करते समय, संक्षिप्त और मुद्दे से टलने की बजाय सीधा होना आवश्यक है।
  • शिक्षिका किसी के भावनाओं को बहलाने का प्रयास नहीं करना चाहती थी, इसलिए छात्र के प्रदर्शन पर विचार देते समय वह मुद्दे से टल गई।

Hit the Sack.- to go to bed or to start sleeping.-बिस्तर पर जाना


  • I'm really tired after a long day at work, so I'm going to hit the sack early tonight.
  • After the party, it was so late that everyone decided to hit the sack.
  • It's important to get enough rest, so I usually hit the sack by 10 PM.
  • We have to wake up early for the trip tomorrow, so let's hit the sack now.
  • If you want to be well-rested for the exam tomorrow, you should hit the sack soon.

  • After work, I will go to bed early tonight.
  • After the party, it was so late that everyone decided to go to bed.
  • It's important to get enough rest, so I usually go to bed by 10 PM.
  • We have to wake up early for the trip tomorrow, so now we should go to bed.
  • If you want to be well-prepared for the exam tomorrow, you should go to bed soon 

  • मेरा कामकाज के बाद, मैं आज रात जल्दी ही बिस्तर पर जाऊँगा।
  • पार्टी के बाद, समय इतना देर हो गया कि सब ने बिस्तर पर जाने का फैसला किया।
  • पर्याप्त आराम मिलना महत्वपूर्ण है, इसलिए मैं आमतौर पर 10 बजे बिस्तर पर जाता हूँ।
  • हमें कल के यात्रा के लिए जल्दी उठना है, इसलिए अब हमें बिस्तर पर जाना चाहिए।
  • यदि आप कल की परीक्षा के लिए बेहतर तरीके से तैयार होना चाहते हैं, तो आपको जल्दी ही सो जाना चाहिए।

Challenge 3- Phrasal Verb
1. Get Ready- means to prepare or make oneself prepared for a particular task, event, or situation.

  • I need to get ready for work, so I'll be leaving in 15 minutes.
  • She takes a long time to get ready for parties, always choosing the perfect outfit and doing her makeup.
  • We should get ready for the big presentation; it's in an hour.
  • They got ready for the hike by packing food, water, and hiking gear.
  • It's essential to get ready for the interview by researching the company and practicing interview questions. 

  • मुझे काम के लिए तैयार होना है, इसलिए मैं 15 मिनट में निकल रहा हूँ।
  •  वह पार्टियों के लिए तैयार होने में बहुत समय लेती है, हमेशा सही ड्रेस चुनती है और मेकअप करती है।
  •  हमें वो बड़ा प्रस्तुति के लिए तैयार होना चाहिए, यह एक घंटे में है।
  •  वे पिकनिक के लिए खाने, पानी, और हाइकिंग गियर पैक करके तैयार हो गए।
  •  इंटरव्यू के लिए तैयार होने के लिए कंपनी की अनुसंधान करने और साक्षात्कार सवालों का अभ्यास करके तैयार होना महत्वपूर्ण है। (

2. Warm up-To increase in temperature: When something warms up, it means it is becoming hotter or less cold. For example, "The weather is warming up as spring approaches."

 To prepare for physical activity: In sports and exercise, warming up refers to performing light exercises or stretches before engaging in more strenuous physical activity. It helps to prevent injuries and prepare the body for exercise.


  • The car engine takes a few minutes to warm up on a cold winter morning.
  •  Before the soccer match, the players spent 15 minutes warming up with stretches and light jogging.
  •  I like to warm up with some yoga before I start my more intense workout routine.


  • सर्दी की सुबह में कार की इंजन को गरम होने में कुछ मिनट लगते हैं।
  •  फुटबॉल मैच से पहले, खिलाड़ी खिचकने और हल्की दौड़ने के साथ 15 मिनट गरम होने के लिए बिताते हैं।
  •  मैं अपने जोरदार व्यायाम योजना की शुरुआत से पहले कुछ योग के साथ गरम होने का पसंद करता हूँ।

Challenge 4- Verb

He will help you when you suck in something.


Monday, August 28, 2023



Challenge 1-Tenses

Simple present tense


Challenge 2-Idoms
Once in a blue moon.
The ball is in your Court

Challenge 3- Phrasal Verb
Wake up
Sleep in

Challenge 4- Verb

Sentences: -

Challenge 1-Tenses

Simple present tense

Challenge 2-Idoms
Once in a blue moon.- Rarely - This charming phrase is used to describe something that doesn’t happen often. 

  • I remember to call my parents from my study abroad trip once in a blue moon.
  • I use this application once in a blue moon.

The ball is in your Court- It’s up to you- It’s your move now, but this idiom refers to life rather than a sport. If you’ve got the ‘ball,’ the decision is yours and someone is waiting for your decision.

  • Don't keep your ball in your court.
  • How many times I have told you not to keep the ball in your court. 
  • I have done my part now the ball is in your court.
  • Why do you always keep the ball in your court.
  • Why did you keep te ball is in your court.
  • I always tell my team throw the ball in other's court, not to keep the ball in your court.
  • I've done my part of the project, and now the ball is in your court to complete your tasks.
  • You've seen the options for dinner tonight. The ball is in your court to choose where we go.
  • I've shared my thoughts on the matter, but the ball is in your court to decide what's best for the team.
  • You have all ingredient and the recipe. The ball is in your court to make the delicious meal.
  • I've set up the meeting now the ball is in your court to prepare the presentation.
  • I've done my part in the negotiations, now the ball is in your court to make the final decision.
  • I've introduced you to everyone at the party. Now the ball is in your court to socialize and have a good time.
  • The car is ready for the road trip, the ball is in your court to pack your bags and be ready on time.

Challenge 3- Phrasal Verb
Wake up- rouse from sleep or to become conscious after sleeping. It is commonly used to describe the action of opening one's eyes and becoming alert and aware after a period of sleep. Here are a few examples of how it can be used in sentences:

  • I need to wake up early tomorrow for work.
  • She didn't wake up until noon because she stayed up late last night.
  • The loud noise outside woke me up in the middle of the night.
  • It can be difficult to wake up on cold, winter mornings.
  • I set multiple alarms to make sure I wake up on time.

Sleep in- to continue sleeping longer than one usually does or later than one's usual waking time, typically implying that someone is staying in bed longer than usual, often because they have the opportunity to do so. It's often used in situations where there's no need to wake up early, such as on weekends or during holidays.

  • I love to sleep in on Sundays; it's my one day to relax and not worry about getting up early for work.
  • She decided to sleep in and skip her morning class because she was feeling tired.
  • It's a rare occasion when I can sleep in, so I'm going to make the most of it on my day off.
  • Don't forget to set an alarm; otherwise, you might sleep in and be late for your appointment.
  • I enjoy sleeping in when I have a chance, but during the workweek, I must wake up early.

Challenge 4- Verb


90 days English Speaking Challange.





















Friday, August 4, 2023







Sometimes my mother gives me advice. She tells me to save my money for a rainy day. She says that I should eat my vegetables if I want to be strong when I grow up. She says that you reap what you sow. I didn’t understand what that one meant. I asked my mother, she said, if you are good to people, they will be good to you. If you do bad things, the bad things will come back to you. My mother is always giving me good advice. She says that a penny saved is a penny earned. I am still thinking about that one. Some of these things are difficult to understand.

My mother is very nice. She says that she learned from her mistakes. She tells me that she would like me not to make mistakes. But she says that everyone does make mistakes. The important things is that we learn from our mistakes. My mother says that nobody is perfect. My mother tells my sister that time is precious. My sister wastes time and my mother doesn’t like that. My mother tells me to be true to myself. She says that I should not follow the crowd. I should listen to my own conscience and do what I think is right.

She says that it doesn’t matter if you fail at something, the important thing is that you try. If you have done your best, then that is all that matters. I listen to my mother; I think she gives very good advice. She has a lot of common sense. I hope I am as wise as she is when I have children of my own. Sometimes I wish that she would not give me so much advice. I think that I know what I am doing. But in the end, I always remember what she has said. I try to live by the standards that she has set for me. Take the advice that your parents give you. They only have your best interest at heart.



On the second Sunday in may is mother’s day. American children try to do something special for their mother. It is the one day out of the year when children, old and young try to show how much they love their mother. England was one of the first country to have Mother’s day. English people call it mothering Sunday.

In the united state, mother’s day became a holiday in 1916. An American girl, Anna Jarvis wanted to do something special for her mother. Her mother Mrs. Jarvis was a wonderful woman. She was the source of love and strength for the whole family. Sadly, she died in May 1905.

After her death. Anna wrote a letter to the government to ask for a day on which all the mothers in the country were honored. Government agreed and decided to choose second Sunday in May to be Mother’s day.

Now mother’s day is popular in many countries around the world.




If we would like to improve our English, one thing we can do is to build up our vocabulary. In order to do this, we have to practice a lot. There are many effective ways to improve our vocabulary.

First of all, we should read a lot.

we can read newspaper, comics, short stories, magazine etc.. depending on our English level. As we read, we can try to guess the meaning of the unknown word from the context of sentence. If we cannot then look up the definition in a dictionary.

In my opinion, we have to consult English to English dictionary and keep the translator as last. Try to be involved with the language as much we can. Keep a vocabulary notebook and write down the few words and new words every day. Keep in mind that we have to revised them regularly.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023



Affirmations, our positive statements that help us to challenge and overcome
When you're not feeling good and have negative thoughts
So, repeat after me, come on everyone

There is no one better to beat than myself
(There is no one better to beat than myself)
Today is gonna be an amazing day
(Today is gonna be an amazing day)
My feelings matter (my feelings matter)
I get better every single day (I get better every single day)

I choose to feel happy (I choose to feel happy)
My family loves me so much (my family loves me so much)
I care about others (I care about others)
I learn from my mistakes (I learn from my mistakes)

Affirmations are fun and cool
They help us heal and they help us grow
If you love to learn and wanna keep feeling good, let's say some more
Follow me, let's go!

I am responsible (I am responsible)
I get better every single day (I get better every single day)
I'm surrounded by love (I'm surrounded by love)
Every problem has an answer
(Every problem has an answer)

I deserve to feel good (I deserve to feel good)
Anything is possible (anything is possible)
I believe in myself (I believe in myself)
I control my own happiness
(I control my own happiness)

Now, we know some new affirmations that we can choose, and learn to say
So, next time you need a little inspiration
To help you have more of a positive day (positive day)
Affirmations (affirmations...)



For this auspicious day , I thank that GOD and this Universe.

Thanks to the light of sun who provides life to this earth.

Thanks to water, Air, and this earth who make live on earth possible.

Thanks to God for everything in my life.

Thanks to my Parents who gave me this precious life.

Thanks to every family member.

Thanks to all my well-wishers, those who gave me love, knowledge and encourage me when I needed.

Thanks to all those books, poets, teachers, and professors, who provided me knowledge.`

Thanks for all the new opportunities coming in my life.

Thanks for the coming tomorrow.  Which will definitely be better and filled with happiness.

Thanks, every positive energy entering inside with every breath, which makes my every cell of body healthy and disease free.

Thanks for a strong body and strong health.

Thanks to the brain where nice and creative ideas are born.

Thanks for the peace, prosperity, and self-reliance.

Thanks for the unlimited and unbounded capabilities inside me.

Thanks to the money by which I fulfill my and my family’s need.

Thanks to my growing prosperity.

Thanks to those potentials by which I can face challenging situations easily.

Thanks for every happiness in my life.

Thanks for every technology which makes my life and my work easy.

Thanks for all the moments filled with happiness and joy.

Thanks to the willpower in me.

Thanks for all those blessings which I continuously get in my life.

Thanks for safe journey.

Thanks for the food I get.

Thanks for this beautiful life.

Thanks to the lord for this universe.

Thankyou, sukriya, dhanyawad

FROG hard work

  Once upon a time there was a deep hole in the center of the village. 5 frogs slipped into it and tried to jump out, but they failed again ...